Spring is almost here
It’s a sure sign when there are puddles on the mostly frozen Evergreen Lake, that Spring is on it’s way! It means that the Bluebirds will soon be returning and that it will truly be shorts weather. (some of us wear shorts year round, but soon we won’t get the strange looks and comments form people).
I love Spring. Not for the typical thoughts of renewal and rebirth that are typically associated with Spring time, but for the WARM weather that I’ve been waiting for for sooooo long. I usually don’t mind the winter, but last fall, winter came way too soon. I wasn’t ready.
I didn’t have nearly enough warm weather. I didn’t hike and bike as much as I wanted and needed to. I didn’t get the kids or dogs out enough. And I didn’t work on the house enough either. So now, with Spring around the corner, it’s sort of like my New Year’s Resolution (as much as I despise them). I have some new goals for the Spring, Summer and Fall. To enjoy Evergreen, CO as much as I can. To be outside as much as I can, to walk the dogs and kids more, and to eat every meal on the deck… and to Bar-b-que a LOT.