An Apple Tree at Evergreen Lake!

So who would have ever thought or knew there was an apple tree at Evergreen lake. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not actually walked up to it and picked an apple! Of course, it’s so close to the road and the apples don’t look too great, but it’s there, and apparently has been there for many years. There are a lot of dead branches lower down, and it’s obviously not been taken care of.
I’ve walked around the lake many, many times over the years and never noticed it until it was noticed by my mother-in-law and a friend while they were birding the other day. They never noticed it either, but it’s not surprising because it’s not on the trail or near where anyone would walk. Long time resident, Sylvia Brockner says it’s been there since at least the 60’s. Does anyone know more story about this?
If you drive by the lake on Hwy 74, you see this tree every time. As you come down the hill to the lake from the north, just after you pass the turn off to Upper Bear, you’ll see it hanging over the guardrail on the lake side of the highway. But, you can’t tell it’s an apple tree unless you check it out up close.
Here’s a Google Map showing the location of the tree.
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