Evergreen Lake Path Rebuilding

I went for a walk around the lake last night and took a few pictures. It was a really nice walk; the weather was perfect, the lake was smooth and there were lots of people enjoying the evening. The park and rec district is doing some nice work on the trail around the lake. Smoothing it out, widening in places, adding more gravel where there’s usually standing water after a rain, rebuilding some rock walls and trying to close the makeshift trail that people have blazed cutting the switchback on the south side of the lake.
They’ve put up two fences, one at the top and one at the bottom, but people have decided to ignore that and trample the fence down and just walk right over it. It’s really too bad that people don’t have the respect for our lake, trail and the Parks and Recreation Districts work to protect and maintain a good trail system.
As I said, the walk around the lake was really beautiful, including a really nice wedding at the Evergreen Lake house (for reservations, please call the Lake House at 720.880.1311). Have a look at this small gallery and let us know how you like to enjoy the lake.
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