Evergreen Colorado has some of the best open space parks in all of Colorado. In 1972, Jefferson County residents voted to tax themselves one-half of 1% on sales to “fund planning, acquisition and maintenance of lands and waters for the enjoyment of current and future generations.*” Jefferson County residents and Open Space have spent the next 35 plus years preserving, protecting, and maintaining Colorado’s most valuable assets, Open Space parks. Hand in hand with this preservation and conservation has come opportunities for additional outdoor recreation. The newest park being developed is Stagecoach Park near the intersection of Hwy 74 and Stagecoach Blvd.

Hiker and dog in 3 Sisters
Some of the other fabulous parks in the Foothills area include:
Alderfer/Three Sisters Parkevergreen parks hiker
Apex Park
Centennial Cone Park
Crown Hill Park
Clear Creek Canyon Park
Deer Creek Canyon Park
Elk Meadow Park
Flying J Ranch Park
Hildebrand Ranch Park
Hiwan Homestead Museum
Lair o’ the Bear Park
Lookout Mountain Nature Center
Matthews/Winters Park
Meyer Ranch Park
Mount Galbraith Park Mount Falcon Park
Pine Valley Ranch Park
Reynolds Park
South Valley Park
Van Bibber Park
Welchester Tree Grant Park
Windy Saddle Park
White Ranch Park